Sunday, September 28, 2008

Jyoti Meditation


The meditation is a way to achieve single point and then no thoughts in the mind.

Getting there is not an easy task. There are many ways and means performed. In simple terms there are tools to achieve. One such tool is Jyothi (flame) meditation.

A guide to process of Jyoti Mediation is:

Prepare yourself and take time out from all activities. Ensure no one will disturb you for the time you want to meditate. Also make your surrounding comfortable, for example adjusting of air conditioner and fan. Place a lighted candle or lamp in front of your seat. Say a meter and half away, so that you are able to watch it when your eyelids are almost close and eyes are looking at the space in front of your chest.

Now sit on the Asana. Keep your back straight and your head in upright position. Join the thumb and index finger to form a circle, and place the hand on the thigh near the knee. Comfort yourself in the position and relax the muscles in your body. Start from your legs, abdomen, chest, face and ending with your shoulders. Ensure all muscles are relaxed, if necessary adjust your seat and position. Repeat cycle till your body is completely relaxed in the seating position.

Now gently close your eyes. There is no pressure of eyelid on eyes. If possible keep the slightly open observing area in front of your chest. Let your tongue become still and quiet. Gradually slow down the thoughts that drift through your mind. Allow the mind to become calm. Feel the silence around you.

Now that your mind is relaxed, let us move onto slow breathing. Slowly become aware of your own breathing. Feel the air you breath is bringing in pure air and energy and spreading it throughout your body and while breathing out, it is collecting impure air and energy to release out. Continue to breathe in and breathe out, do not force it, watch it takes own pace.

Now mentally say, a guru mantra, when breathe in, and when breathe out. Observing HIS presence on every breathe and mental chanting of mantra.

Now that we have controlled our breathing and slow down thoughts in the mind, we will move onto Jyothi meditation. Open your eyes gently.

Now, look at the flame of the light on the candle or at the Altar. Concentrate on the colours and one-pointedness of the flame……..the Aura surrounding the flame. Gently half close your eyes. Imagine the flame flickering at the centre of your forehead.

Now bring your flame down, to the centre of your chest where your spiritual heart is. Imagine the lotus flower of your spiritual heart open petal by petal and receive this light. The light is now resting on the lotus. This is the light of the Divinity within you.

Now, the light moves down to the base of your spine and along both legs to the tip of your toes. Feel the warmth of the light sanctifying your legs. Mentally say, let these legs take me to good places.

Now, the light travels up, all the way to your neck. It moves down both your arms, all the way to your fingertips. Mentally say, let these hands endeavour to help and serve all.

The light moves to your lips sanctifying them. Mentally say, let these lips speak only good of others.

See the light moving to the two ears. Mentally say, Oh Lord, let these ears only hear good sounds and words.

The light now moves to the eyes sanctifying them. Mentally say, let these eyes see only the good in others.

The light now fills your entire body. This is the light of your love. Feel the light expand and envelope you. Imagine that you are sitting in a huge ball of light. That light is you. You are the light.

Now expand the light further, enveloping those around you, your family, friends, everyone that you know. Feel the light spread like a gigantic wave of love, enveloping the entire country, spreading across the oceans to the other countries. Spread the light to every single human being, plants and animals.

The light of your love now encompasses the entire world. You are the Divine love. You are the divine light.

Now into that light, bring the figure of the form of the divine that you Worship. See the form now raise HIS or HER hands in blessings. You have shared your love with the world and now receive the love and blessings of the divine.

Now, slowly, gently open your eyes. Enjoy the bliss of the peace within you. Remember this experience. And during the course of the day wherever you may be, recall this feeling of great peace.

Apple iTunes

Now Kings of Leon is available on Apple iTune

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